The Kids Get Out of The Picture at the GSD
Location: Cambridge, MA
Year: 2016
Status: Complete
“The Kid Gets out of the Picture” is an installation of a contemporary English picturesque garden set inside the Loeb Library at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Exploring William Gilpin’s picturesque travel sketches from the late eighteenth century, the LADG appropriated the organizational logic of his drawings, which frequently depict dense, heterogeneous collections of rocks and plants. These “clumps” congeal together as a single entity regardless of the diversity of their constituent parts, creating a material landscape that is both continuously variable and continuously navigable.

The installation was made in collaboration with Materials & Applications, First Office, Hirsuta, and Laurel Broughton / Andrew Kovacs. The project was made possible in part by the generous support of the Graham Foundation.

Project Lead: Alexander Porter, Morgan Starkey
Project Team: Anthony Chu, Collin Cobia, Evan Farley, James Moffet, James Murray, Jonathan Rieke, Zahra Safervedi
Photos courtsey of Justin Knight and the Harvard GSD